Mats Anderson

Born 1956
Justice of the Supreme Administrative Court since 2018

Degree of Master of Laws (LL.M) from Stockholm University, 1982
Law Clerk at Kristinehamn District Court, 1982-1985
Associate Judge at the Administrative Court of Appeal in Stockholm, 1990
Attorney at Lagerlöf & Leman Advokatbyrå 1991-2001, (partner, 1998)
Member of the Swedish Bar Association, 1994-2018
Attorney (Partner) at Linklaters LLP, 2001-2007
Principal at clear blue water advokat AB, 2007-2018
Attorney at Linklaters Advokatbyrå AB, 2011-2016

Publications, etc.
Law firm Strategies for the 21th Century: Strategies for Success, Globe Business Publishing, 2013, co-author
Articles in journals in the field of tax law

The description above is not comprehensive

Mats Anderson
Photo by Carl Johan Erikson