Press release: Preliminary rulings in focus at meeting of supreme administrative courts

Around 60 presidents and other judges from the supreme administrative courts in the EU met in Stockholm at the beginning of the week.

During the Finnish Presidency of ACA, which began earlier this year and is being conducted in close cooperation with the Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden, six conferences will be held with different topical focus areas. The first conference has now been held in Stockholm.

- "These were fruitful days where we had the opportunity to discuss and raise common issues regarding the procedure for preliminary rulings from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Cooperation between national courts and the CJEU is foundational for the uniform and correct application of EU law," says Justice Helena Jäderblom, President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden.

The agenda for the Stockholm meeting included the use of the obligation for national supreme courts to request preliminary rulings from the CJEU, i.e., binding rulings from the CJEU on the interpretation of EU law provisions. The Swedish research institute SIEPS (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies) also participated in the seminar.

The overall focus of the Finnish Presidency is the vertical dialogue between the supreme administrative courts and the European courts, not only the CJEU but also the European Court of Human Rights.

 - "A warm thank you to our Swedish colleagues for an extremely enriching conference. I also greatly appreciate the participation of the President of the CJEU, Koen Lenaerts, who emphasised, among other things, that ACA-Europe is an important forum for the exchange of information and discussion on EU law," says Kari Kuusiniemi, President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland and President of ACA-Europe.

For further information please contact: Maria Erlandsson, communication officer, +46 76 133 95 96 email

Facts about the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union (ACA):

ACA-Europe is a European association composed of the CJEU and the supreme administrative courts of the EU Member States. The supreme administrative courts of Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey have observer status, while those of Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom are invited to participate as guests.
