Stockholms tingsrätt

Prosecution has been brought in the case regarding gross crime against international law and murder committed in Iran during 1988

Mål: B 15255-19
On November 13, 2019 an Iranian citizen was detained on suspicion of gross crimes of international law and murders committed in Karaj, Iran, 1988. The prosecutor has today brought charges against the detainee for the suspected crimes.

The main hearing will begin on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 09:15 in the district court’s room 37. The main hearing is expected to continue to April 2022 with typically three sessions each week until then.

The prosecutor’s background to the charges

There was an armed conflict between Iran and Iraq from 1981 to 1988. In the final phase of the conflict, Iran was attacked on several occasions by an armed branch of the political organization Iranian People's Mujahedin (Mujahedin). The attacks were performed in cooperation with the Iraqi army. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa following the attacks to execute prisoners in Iranian prisons who belonged to or sympathized with the Mujahedin and who were loyal to their convictions.


The prosecuted acts

The detainee is accused of, in his capacity as assistant prosecutor or similar, intentionally and together with other perpetrators, taking the lives of a large number of prisoners who belonged to or sympathized with the Mujahedin, and, additionally, of subjecting others to torture and inhuman treatment. The acts were according to the indictment committed between July 30, 1988 and August 16, 1988 in the Gohardasht prison in Karaj, Iran. The indictment also comprises the murder of other prisoners whose ideology and religious beliefs were found to be in conflict with the theocratic state of Iran.



Practical information

There will be a limited number of audience seats in the courtroom (room 37). These seats are primarily intended for media that have preregistered and been informed that they have been given a place. Press ID will be required.

For the public and other media, there will be audience seats in a side room (room 2) on Bergsgatan 50 in Stockholm with video and sound transmissions from the courtroom. The number of seats is limited (maximum 25) and no preregistrations can be made. Tickets can be claimed at the entrance to Bergsgatan 50 each morning. All attendees are asked to be on site in good time and to observe regulations regarding the current pandemic.

There will be seats in a side room (room 6) in the district court available for plaintiffs who wish to follow the trial in Farsi. From the side room, the trial can be followed through video transmissions together with simultaneous translations into Farsi. Preregistered media can be provided a seat in room 6 for audio recordings of the translations.


Security checks

There will be security checks at the entrance. During the check, all visitors must go through an alarm arc. Bags and other items are checked by an X-ray machine. The control goes faster the fewer objects you bring. If possible, avoid bringing larger bags. When many visitors come to court at the same time, queuing can occur. It is therefore important to arrive well in advance. Journalists are not exempt from security checks.


Rules of procedure

It is not allowed to take pictures in or into the courtroom or side rooms during the main hearing.

Media in the courtroom (room 37) and side rooms (room 2 and 6) may use the electronic equipment required for their reporting (e.g. mobile phones, tablets, and computers). This also includes other audio recording equipment.

For other visitors, all electronic equipment that can disturb the order or be used to take pictures that is brought into the courtroom or side rooms must be turned off and tucked away.

The presiding judge may pronounce additional rules of procedure.


Other information

For orders of official documents and information regarding the dates for the main hearing, please refer to

For other questions regarding the case, please refer to the court official Anna Wester or the drafting law clerk Ulrik Björkmo.

Preregistrations from media shall be made to Anna Wester by email.

Judges Tomas Zander (presiding) and Anna Liljenberg Gullesjö will adjudicate the case together with four lay judges.